Monday, July 4, 2011

a summer to remember

       So as you know, my neighborhood has been in some what of a panic.  The flood has been a scare for us since summer 2011 began. People brought up all their things from the basement, ripped up their carpets, tore out their dry wall, and built a six foot wall surrounding the lowest part of the house.  
       In came our guardian angels, The National Guard.  They built a huge levee around Wynstone, the place I live.  They walked up and down the boulder day and night, looking for signs of breaks or holes.   
After weeks of walking up and down the rising river, they feel confident enough to leave their posts at near Wynstone and return to the more endangered, Dakota Dunes
To thank them, Wynstone had a lovely lunch for them.  It was the sweetest thing, there were the National Guard people in their camo get-up, and then there were people I know and love wearing their patriotic garb.  I would just like to thank the people I trust for protecting the people I love. 

Thank you National Guard!

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